We have a few events coming up this winter:
Wednesday 23rd October 2019, 10am Pony Day.
Thursday 24th October 2019, 10am Pony Club Badge Day.
Saturday 2nd November 2019, 1pm start Jumping Competition. Please give us the names of AT LEAST 2 horses as they we have to schedule lessons at the same time.
Saturday 14th December 2019, 4pm Christmas Demo!!!! Who will it be this year? And will Nat ride a pony other than Beanie?????
Friday 20th December 2019, 10am Christmas Pony Day. (I am so jealous I may try and sneak myself in!))
To book call, text, email or Facebook us.
Are you interested in writing a blog post for us? Have you been on a pony day and want to tell everyone what it is like? Write a piece and leave it in the office post-box and i’ll add it to the next blog post!